Management Team
Dr. Martin Karner
Dr. Martin Karner
Dr. Martin Karner, CEFA, born in 1971, studied business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and is commercial director of the Lower Austria Chamber of Agricultureand chairman of the management board of LK NÖ Holding GmbH.
Melanie Scholze-Simmel, MA
Melanie Scholze-Simmel, MA
Melanie Scholze-Simmel MA, born 1994, studied e-commerce at the FH Wr. Neustadt. As a former founder of a successful online wine trade, she has the necessary know-how in e-business.
Dr. Hubert Schultes
Dr. Hubert Schultes
Dr. Hubert Schultes, born in 1960, studied law at the University of Vienna and was a board member in various insurance companies. From 2008 to 2021 he was General Director of Niederösterreichische Versicherung AG.
Kathrin Brachmann
Kathrin Brachmann
New and young winemaker at the Winery Brachmann in Wagram, Austria, public examined wine taster, Diplom-Sommeliere.
Martin Cerny
Martin Cerny
As "Weinakademiker" with presentations and tastings worldwide for more than 10 years. Economic studies at the WU Vienna as well as graduate at the viticultural school in Krems, Austria, lecturer at the Wine Academy in Rust, Austria, DipWSET.